Showing posts with label relaxin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relaxin. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

Top Endocrine Publications of 2014: Canine and Feline Reproductive Endocrinology

As I've done for the last 5 years, I’ve now finished compiling a fairly extensive list of references concerning canine and feline endocrinology that were written last year (in 2014). I’ll be sharing these with you over the next few months, as well as reviewing a few of the best papers from my lists of clinical endocrine publications.

In my last post, I provided my last list for the 2013 papers on canine and feline endocrine reproduction, so I've decided to start this year off with papers that deal with the same theme of endocrine disorders of the canine and feline gonads, prostate, and mammary gland.

Listed below are 23 papers published in 2014 that deal with a variety of topics of importance for reproductive endocrinology in dogs and cats. These range from the identification and study of kisspeptin (a protein ligand that activate GnRH neurons) in dogs (1) to the use of relaxin measurements to diagnose pregnancy status (2); as well as from a study of the effects of GnRH agonist and antagonists during the postnatal period in cats (3) to the effects of GnRH immunization for treatment of urinary incontinence in spayed bitches (4).

Other publication included studies dealing with suppression of fertility in dogs and cats (4-6,12,13,14,21) to endocrinologic investigations of pyometra (9), ovarian cysts (10), mammary neoplasia (16,19), and benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis (17); and finally, from a study of oxytocin and social bonding in dogs (20) to a review of the influence of sex hormones on seizures in dogs and man (22).

  1. Albers-Wolthers KH, de Gier J, Kooistra HS, et al. Identification of a novel kisspeptin with high gonadotrophin stimulatory activity in the dog. Neuroendocrinology 2014;99:178-189.
  2. Bergfelt DR, Peter AT, Beg MA. Relaxin: a hormonal aid to diagnose pregnancy status in wild mammalian species. Theriogenology 2014;82:1187-1198.
  3. Carranza A, Faya M, Merlo ML, et al. Effect of GnRH analogs in postnatal domestic cats. Theriogenology 2014;82:138-143.
  4. Donovan CE, Gordon JM, Kutzler MA. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone immunization for the treatment of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence in ovariectomized bitches. Theriogenology 2014;81:196-202.
  5. Fagundes AK, Oliveira EC, Tenorio BM, et al. Injection of a chemical castration agent, zinc gluconate, into the testes of cats results in the impairment of spermatogenesis: a potentially irreversible contraceptive approach for this species? Theriogenology 2014;81:230-236.
  6. Favre RN, Bonaura MC, Praderio R, et al. Effect of melatonin implants on spermatogenesis in the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). Theriogenology 2014;82:851-856.
  7. Goericke-Pesch S, Wehrend A, Georgiev P. Suppression of fertility in adult cats. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49 Suppl 2:33-40.
  8. Hoglund OV, Hagman R, Olsson K, et al. Intraoperative changes in blood pressure, heart rate, plasma vasopressin, and urinary noradrenalin during elective ovariohysterectomy in dogs: repeatability at removal of the 1st and 2nd ovary. Veterinary Surgery 2014;43:852-859.
  9. Jitpean S, Holst BS, Hoglund OV, et al. Serum insulin-like growth factor-I, iron, C-reactive protein, and serum amyloid A for prediction of outcome in dogs with pyometra. Theriogenology 2014;82:43-48.
  10. Knauf Y, Bostedt H, Failing K, et al. Gross pathology and endocrinology of ovarian cysts in bitches. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49:463-468.
  11. Kobayashi M, Hori T, Kawakami E. Efficacy of low-dose human chorionic gonadotropin therapy in dogs with spermatogenic dysfunction: a preliminary study. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49:E44-47.
  12. Lucas X. Clinical use of deslorelin (GnRH agonist) in companion animals: a review. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49 Suppl 4:64-71.
  13. Maenhoudt C, Santos NR, Fontbonne A. Suppression of fertility in adult dogs. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49 Suppl 2:58-63.
  14. Marino G, Rizzo S, Quartuccio M, et al. Deslorelin implants in pre-pubertal female dogs: short- and long-term effects on the genital tract. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49:297-301.
  15. Meloni T, Comin A, Rota A, et al. IGF-I and NEFA concentrations in fetal fluids of term pregnancy dogs. Theriogenology 2014;81:1307-1311.
  16. Michel E, Rohrer Bley C, Kowalewski MP, et al. Prolactin--to be reconsidered in canine mammary tumourigenesis? Vet Comp Oncol 2014;12:93-105.
  17. Nizanski W, Levy X, Ochota M, et al. Pharmacological treatment for common prostatic conditions in dogs - benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis: an update. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49 Suppl 2:8-15.
  18. Parker K, Snead E. Atypical presentation of ovarian remnant syndrome in a dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2014;50:e1-5.
  19. Queiroga FL, Perez-Alenza MD, Gonzalez Gil A, et al. Clinical and prognostic implications of serum and tissue prolactin levels in canine mammary tumours. Vet Rec 2014;175:403.
  20. Romero T, Nagasawa M, Mogi K, et al. Oxytocin promotes social bonding in dogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014;111:9085-9090.
  21. Schafer-Somi S, Kaya D, Gultiken N, et al. Suppression of fertility in pre-pubertal dogs and cats. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49 Suppl 2:21-27.
  22. Van Meervenne SA, Volk HA, Matiasek K, et al. The influence of sex hormones on seizures in dogs and humans. Vet J 2014;201:15-20.
  23. Volta A, Manfredi S, Vignoli M, et al. Use of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in chronic pathologic canine testes. Reprod Domest Anim 2014;49:202-209.