Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dr. Peterson Quoted in Dog Fancy Article on Addison's Disease

Dr. Peterson's expertise in veterinary endocrinology was tapped by Dog Fancy Magazine to provide professional insight into the diagnosis and treatment of Addison's disease.

This article was a part of the monthly "Watch Out For" feature which gives an overview of common diseases and medical conditions, with Dr. Peterson's Addison's disease article appearing in the October issue.


  1. Dr. Peterson,
    Today my 4yr old poodle went to the groomer - we had given her a double dose of her Prednisone. After being groomed she was hyperventilating very badly for a short time. I gave her a double dose to avoid stress. Is there anything further I can do in the future when she has to go to the groomer. Thank you.

  2. Giving your dog a double dose of prednisone in advance of a stressful situation is a good idea. Other than tranquilizers, which I would only use as a last resort, there is nothing else that I know of that you can do. With the double dose of prednisone, you have the Addison's covered.
